For All The Good The Watchtower tries to offer you.
When they emotionally blackmail you and shun you. And destroy your family. It makes up for all the good that they may have tried to do. When they try to act the martyr. When they try to portray themselves as faithful. Yeah They are faithful. They are faithful to their own bank account and their billion dollar corporation. When they say they are discreet. They are discreetly stealing your conscious from you. They are discreetly fooling you and defrauding you. they are discreetly robbing you of your family. they are discreetly robbing you of your happiness in many areas of your life and they stand to benefit from robbing you of this happiness. The watchtower is vicious. The JW’s in my opinion are viscious. In the sense that the congregation got scammed they deserve compassion. In the sense that the refuse to see things how they are and refuse to call it how it is. No they don’t deserve compassion. In order to convince the JW’s of anything you have to give up. You have to let the world show them where they are lying and where they are lying to themselves. If they have no conscience then lies will not bother them. If they have killed off their conscience through years of neglect and association with people who have no conscience then it is what it is.